Rolemaster - Shadow World - Grand Campaign - Book I Caps 1-16 Complete, RPG (po angielsku)
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Part I: Terminology & Background
: A G
Eidolon: City in the Sky
: Terry Kevin Amthor
Series Editor
: Jessica Ney
Cover Art
:: David Dorman
: T. K. Amthor
Color Jaiman Map
: Peter Ledger
Page Design
: Terry “I want to do everything myself” Amthor
“I never dreamt that I would get to be
The creature that I’d always meant to be
But I thought, in spite of dreams
you’d be sitting somewhere here with me.”
Pet Shop Boys
“Being Boring”
The Grand Campaign
was written and edited using
5.1 on a Macintosh Powerbook. The book pages were laid out
using PageMaker 5.0 on a Quadra 840av.
All of the typefaces used in the
Grand Campaign
are Abode
originals. The text face—Minion—was designed by Robert Slimbach
and based on type of the late Renaissance. Trajan (used for larger
headers) was created by Carol Twombly, and based on the
letterforms of the Trajan inscription in Rome. Fi-
nally, some illustrations are labelled in Herculanum.
Part I: Terminology & Background
: S
I An Overview
1 • ......................................................................................
2 • ......................................................................................
3 • ......................................................................................
4 • ......................................................................................
II Player-Characters
1 • ......................................................................................
2 • ......................................................................................
3 • Character Sheets (10) ..................................................
III History
1 • Timeline .......................................................................
2 • Recent Events ..............................................................
3 • Future Events ..............................................................
IV The Greater Powers
1 • The Agothu ..................................................................
2 • The Priests Arnak ........................................................
3 • Silver Claw ....................................................................
4 • Jerak Ahrenreth ...........................................................
5 • Duskwalkers .................................................................
6 • Andraax ........................................................................
7 • The Nameless One ......................................................
8 • Dragonlords .................................................................
9 • Loremasters ..................................................................
10 • Navigators ..................................................................
V The Beginning: Lethys
1 • The Gathering .............................................................
2 • Lethys Overview ..........................................................
3 • The Lethys Library ......................................................
4 • At the ‘Flask & Mug’ ....................................................
5 • Lethys at Night ............................................................
6 • Aboard the ‘Seasprite’ .................................................
VI Nomikos Library
1 • Arrival at Ormian ........................................................
2 • The Library ...................................................................
3 • Aboard the ‘Fairwind’ .................................................
VII The Zorian Wastes
1 • Trek Through the Wastes ............................................
2 • The Ruined City ..........................................................
3 • Dansart .........................................................................
4 • The Dungeons .............................................................
5 • The High Priest ...........................................................
6 • Escape From Dansart ..................................................
7 • Into the Unknown .......................................................
VIII Haalkitaine
1 • The Haalkitaine Court ................................................
2 • Time in the City ..........................................................
3 • Return to the Labyrinth ..............................................
4 • Flight into Day ............................................................
IX Tanara .................................................................
1 • “It Must Be a Misunderstanding…” .........................
2 • Imprisoned Again ........................................................
3 • Freed By Friends ..........................................................
4 • Hunted .........................................................................
X The Gryphon
1 • The Gryphon Gate .......................................................
2 • A Guarded Welcome ...................................................
3 • The Attunement ..........................................................
4 • Shadows of the Past .....................................................
5 • The River Highway ......................................................
XI The Saralis Frontier
1 • Northward ....................................................................
2 • Landing ........................................................................
3 • An Ancient Structure ..................................................
4 • A Beautiful Rescuer .....................................................
5 • Elor ...............................................................................
XII A Chill Wind in Lu’nak
1 • Through The Blue Forest ............................................
2 • The Forest of Dír .........................................................
3 • Along the Coast ...........................................................
4 • Quellbourne .................................................................
5 • Kelfour’s Landing ........................................................
6 • Aboard an Ice Sloop ....................................................
XIII The Mur Fostisyr
1 • Pillars of Black Ice .......................................................
2 • Land of Glass Spires ....................................................
3 • Dawnwater’s Edge .......................................................
XIV Urulan
1 • The Ruins of Ar-Talisen ..............................................
2 • The Silver Claw Mines .................................................
3 • Friend or Foe? ..............................................................
4 • The Southern Coast .....................................................
5 • Flight From Urulan .....................................................
XV Sel-kai
1 • Arrival ..........................................................................
2 • Interlude .......................................................................
XVI Index
Book One: Gathering Darkness
“All knowledge is heresy. Yes, you heard me correctly.
It is the nature of dark religions to thrive on ignorance.”
Date Unknown
his sourcebook is the first of a trilogy of adventuring guides for the
Shadow World
. Together, the three volumes will detail a ‘grand
campaign’: a living play or novel in which the player-characters are
the heroes of a great quest. These books will document a long journey
encompassing many events linked together and drawing the charac-
ters through a progression of crises and triumphs. It all ends with a cataclysmic
confrontation with one of the ultimate evils of the Shadow World.
Unlike most ICE adventure scenarios, the
Grand Campaign
is a
directed series of events. It must be understood by both the GM and
the players that, while there can be subplots and sidetracks, the main
purpose of the group is a much larger scheme. Deliberate attempts
to derail the campaign will only ruin the game for everyone. On the
other side of the coin is a reminder to the GM that he must not ‘push’
the players along too quickly. Allow them to pursue other activities
for an adventure or two; don’t lay a heavy hand on the plot. If the PCs
seem confused or at a loss, subtle help might be in order. However,
never resort to blatant maneuvers (e.g., do NOT do this: “A
Loremaster appears in the middle of your room and hands you a
map to the citadel. She says that you had better hurry or there will be
This book and the ones to follow are organized in ‘Parts’ not
unlike Acts of a play (beginning with Part V; Parts I-IV are general
information and background material), and within each Part are
‘Sections’ which correspond more or less to scenes. In addition,
there will be ‘Encounters’: these designate specific events which will
precipitate the use of rules to arbitrate the situation. An Encounter
can be anything from a run-in with a shopkeeper to a planned raid
on a Dark Priest’s tower to coming face-to-face with an Ordainer.
While only this book and the
Shadow World Master Atlas
(and of
or the FRP rules of your choice) are really
required to run this Grand Campaign, it is strongly suggested that
the GM owns the following Shadow World books: Emer, and
. These are available at hobby and bookstores, or can be
ordered directly from ICE.These books will not only provide valu-
able background material, but have other adventure ideas which the
The Grand Campaign
GM will find useful to fill out the campaign. Also helpful (but not as
, and
To those who might own copies of the
: these materials may prove useful—but have a care! They
are set in earlier times, and in some cases the dates (and even a few
facts) in these early chronicles are muddled.
It is important that players do not read any of the material in this
book unless it is specifically designated for player consumption. The
following material is for the GM’s information only, though he may
photocopy certain parts of the Character backgrounds and other
marked text for player use.
Weather as ‘Atmosphere’
The GM is encouraged to make weather checks daily. General
weather descriptions are given in
, and a chart is provided in
Character & Campaign
book, page 109. Weather is an
important part of the ‘feel’ of a gaming environment, and can help
the GM in describing prevailing conditions. GMs are also reminded
to enrich their
Shadow World
with sights, sounds, smells and
textures of the world. Bring it to life every day!
Other Encounters
Depending on how long the GM wishes to draw out the cam-
paign (ICE plans to release Part Two of the
Grand Campaign
later in
1994), he might wish to include several side encounters interspersed
with those detailed here. Enough is provided in these pages and in
other published books to provide ample material for a GM to keep
the PCs adventuring in Jaiman alone for many sessions.
Keep a Calendar
It is important for the GM to make and keep a careful record of
the progress of the characters along their quest. This not only helps
the GM keep organized in her own timeline, but it is critical to match
the movements of the characters with event going on in the rest of
the world. The explosive political situation in Haalkitaine alone
warrants this; many things are going on elsewhere as well.
At critical points in the campaign text we remind the GM to make
certain ‘atmosphere’ rolls: weather, Essænce, ‘random’ encounters
on the road and in cities. These are certainly
intended to be the
only times the GM makes these rolls.
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